Time | Done | |
Murat Akmamedau | 3 | Basic project structure and page templates (with Petro) |
2 | Search for poets page (with Petro) | |
3 | timeline component |
2 | refactor md -files of authors |
10 | styles / responsible / other minor refactoring | |
4 | Translation of some components to TypeScript | |
3 | code review | |
Pavel Okun | 4 | 404 page |
2 | head component |
1 | footer component |
4 | worklog page |
1 | refactor md -files of authors |
3 | code review | |
Evgeny Ivanov | 3 | header (nav + languages ) |
2 | gallery component |
1 | preview |
8 | styles / responsible / other minor refactoring | |
3 | code review | |
Oleh Maliarenko | 12 | fill data |
4 | fix errors | |
6 | add and config map component |
4 | add video component |
3 | code review | |
Petro Yuskiv | 6 | Basic project structure and page templates (with Murat) |
3 | Auto generation of static pages | |
2 | Translation mechanics | |
2 | Multilanguage mechanics | |
2 | Support for Netlify cms | |
1 | Author of the Day selection method | |
4 | Search for poets page (with Murat) | |
1 | Pagination component |
1 | LocalizedLink component |
3 | code review | |
Denis Duzh | 4 | teampage |
6 | styleguide |
3 | code review |
Main difficulties during implementation
GatsbyJS: config-files, autogeneration
Self evaluation - 270
Min scope - 50
- 10 Main page + page with a list of authors + author's page (only pages with content without widgets)
- 10 Page with team members + page with worklog
- 10 Page with list of authors contains search widget
- 20 Portal has two languages
Normal scope - 140
- 20 Portal has page with styleguide
- 10 Mobile version is okey
- 10 Ipad/tablet version is okey
- 10 Author's page contains timeline
- 10 Author's page contains video overlay
- 20 Author's page contains photo gallery
- 10 Author's page contains map (geowidget)
- from 0 to 20 Design (typography, icons, colors, links + buttons + input are styled)
- 20 Material-ui / bootstrap is used
- 10 Portal has third language
Extra scope - 80
- 10 Confidence of the project presentation
- 10 Project is made using gatsbyjs
- 10 Contentful / netlify cms is used for content management
- 20 Animations / special effects like paralax
- up to 20 Outstanding design - 10
- 20 Storybook/styleguidist/other react styleguide tool usage for the page with styles